Energy forms matter
Because the original purpose of jewelry was (in ancient times) to strengthen the wearer. Later this effect became less important and the jewelry was worn as an ornament with diamonds and diamonds just for the glitter.
With my creations I go back to the origin and its effect - I design jewelry that not only strengthens its wearer mentally, but also adorns it.

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What the celebrities are saying

For years I have been in love with the jewelry, which looks and sparkles like new after years and is also very helpful in life! Thank you for this excellent quality and beauty!

I love the intelligent jewelry because you can combine it perfectly both in everyday life and with chic outfits. I always feel good with the healing stones and trust the positive effect.

What I particularly like about Gabriele Iazzetta's jewelry is the timeless design. You can enjoy such pieces of jewelry for a long time. They can be worn for any occasion.

The shape, look and feel of stones have always fascinated me. Regardless of whether you believe in the healing power or not, they are always beautiful jewelry - whether as an interior highlight or as jewelry!

I was never actually a jewelry wearer, that has changed abruptly with Gabriele, because he supports my life so positively! The intelligent jewelry by Gabriele Iazzetta is simply unique.

I am happy to give Gabriele's wealth ring and success amulet to my top executives as recognition and appreciation for their performance.

A woman's most beautiful jewelry is her husband's love. But afterwards there are the works of art by Gabriele Iazzetta. My favorites are her marvelous earrings. I love it.

With the harmony chain and the bracelet you immediately feel balance and inner calm combined with an unbelievable, first-class quality and extremely cool look!